Against terrorism actions and for military barracks

In a lot of places where perimeter security must be very high, even in controlled placed by security staff, the safety against terrorism actions is never enought. Avantgates vertical hydraulic pivot gates, due to its solid structure in iron, is able to prevent the entry of malicious entities. Furthermore it’s the possibility to combine Avantgates with rising anti-terrorism bollards tested according IWA14-1 Standard: 2013V / 7200 [N3C] / 80/90 (crash tested) and PAS 68: 2010 7500 [N2] / 50 (simulated crash) (formerly K12 and K4, DoS ASTM 2656: 2007 M30, single bollard). So with this combination we allow customers have an impenetrable closure system, immune from any type of terrorist attack, perpetrated both by persons from vehicles.



casermaAlso military barracks, like police and safety place stations, must be perimeter protected. Usually the main entrances of these buildings are equipped with common horizontal sliding or swing gate combined with light barrier. Sometimes with authorized personnel who controls traffic.
Road barriers are still not considered safety certified closures, so behind them is usually positioned a spike strip or a combined horizontal gate.
Avantgates is the only closure solution which could be used like a traffic light barrier (for space and speed) but with safety certified certificate which ensure building imperviousness without any sliding gate combination. Furthermore with Avantgates, to ensure more safety protection, we should also move the power pack hearth system and fix it in another controlled place near to the gate: this action thanks to hydraulic Avantgates mobile system.

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