Perimeter protection from dangerous equipment and machinery

Avantgates vertical hydraulic pivot gate is CE certified and, being comply with european 42/2006 Standards for industrial machines, could be used also as a machine guards or a perimeter protection as well as a closure for industrial warehouses.
Avantgates provides an adequate safety protection and, being comply with european machines directive, is able to standardize all machine structures, providing essential protection for CE certificate. Those allows to reduce any associated employees health risks related to any possible machine perimeter entrance.

Avantgates could be also used to prevent accidental objects falling from shelves, as perimeter fences to protect warehouses and for access shelves shelf ready stock protections.

Installation at ITLA, which is one of the most important producers in Europe, but also worldwide, of cold steel strips :

Installation at Pietro Carnaghi machine tools, high-performance and quality:

Safety in job places and in any working areas in compliance with EU directives (EN) is the most important goal for Avantgates systems designs like perimeter protection.

All Avantgates projects satify:
– Machinery Directive 42/2006
– UNI EN ISO 12100: General principles for design die safety components
– UNI EN ISO 13849: Safety elements of the machinery control systems
– UNI EN ISO 14119: Interlock Systems associated with guards
– UNI EN ISO 14120: Design requirements for shelters
– UNI EN ISO 14122: Permanent means of access to machinery
– UNI EN 953: General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
All “c” model rules related to the specific plant type.

Projects, industrialization and guards certification build with all requirements must be standard rules for machine builders.
Avantgates, being compliance with european machinery certification requirements, it is proposed as the best perimeter protection component for a safety certified complex industrial machine.

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