Scheduled Maintenance

From 01 August 2002 with the publication by the UNI of the Italian language versions of the European standards EN 12453 and EN 12445 (dated November 2000), a period of major changes in the field of gate automation has begun.

To these two standards, the technical product standard EN 13241-1 (later replaced by EN 13241: 2016 mandatory from 01/11/2017), which together with the Construction Products Directive (as of 01/11/2017) has been added (starting from 01 May 2005) ( CPR Regulation (EU) 305/2011), define the essential requirements that must be respected by all the gates, motorized or not. The EN 13241 standard also supports the essential requirements of the Machinery Directive (DM) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (DCE).

Therefore a motorized gate that meets the requirements of the EN 13241 standard allows a CE marking that certifies its compliance with all three Directives.

It therefore follows that the automated gates of any type, whether they are also sliding or swing wing as well as vertical, are real “machines”, and for this reason, fall within the Directive Machinery Directive 2006/42 / EC (implemented in Italy with Legislative Decree 27 January 2010, No. 17), so they must by law be subject to periodic maintenance every six months, as prescribed by ‘art. 71 of Legislative Decree 81/08, writing down all specific interventions on the appropriate register.

The “producer”, that is, the person who builds the machine has complete responsibility and must make a safe machine; but the owner has the duty to use the machine with the appropriate precautions as prescribed in the instruction booklet, and to keep it as efficient as possible through the periodic checks foreseen in the maintenance plan.

On request, our company is able to provide directly or through its business partners, a scheduled maintenance service designed specifically to the specific needs of each individual customer.



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